Club Anthropocene is a meeting place and testing-ground for visual and textual conceptualization of ideas relating to the theme ”anthropocene”. This could include meetings between art, philosophy, religion, the natural sciences and the humanities, or meetings between different traditions of knowledge.
The meeting place in it self is open for everyone who wants to participate and contribute to it. Its ambition is to provide space for thinking together, foregrounding the necessity of testing and developing ideas collectively and as individuals participating in a collective process. In this process queer, multicultural and post human perspectives are encouraged.
We do not know for certain what ”The Anthropocene” is or should be, or what discussions should be central to the formation of this and related concepts . Meanwhile we acknowledge ”not knowing” as a most exiting and valuable mode in which to start a process of learning, including expressing and sharing.
One thing that we do know is that we live in a time of climate change, environmental destruction and rapid species extinction and that artists among other groups must try to learn more about and suggest ideas that may change this devastating course and its destructive practices.
Club Anthropocene is a meeting place and testing-ground for visual and textual conceptualization of ideas relating to the theme ”anthropocene”. This means that all participants together try to discuss and learn together. Some times we focus on relevant issues like forestry, ocean pollution, how to experience the shared world from non human perspectives, all issues that we have discussed in our (closed) facebook group, or used as theme for workshops, booklets and art exhibitions. Our interdisciplinary work could include meetings between art, philosophy, religion, the natural sciences and the humanities, or other meetings between different traditions of knowledge.